Medical Plans and Prescription Drugs
Leidos offers eligible employees four comprehensive Consumer Directed Health Plans (CDHP) featuring a Health Savings Account (HSA):
- Healthy Focus Basic Plan
- Healthy Focus Essential Plan
- Healthy Focus Advantage Plan
- Healthy Focus Premier Plan
All four of these CDHP plans feature a Health Savings Account (HSA) to help you save and budget for eligible healthcare expenses, with tax-free advantages.
In addition, employees living in certain areas may also be eligible to elect medical coverage through Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Triple S, Tricare Supplement or Cigna Health Benefits. For more information, download the Medical Plan Options.
Medical Plan Options
Healthy Focus Medical Plans KAISER HMO
Additional Information
NO surprises billing Know Your Rights
Summary of Benefit CoverageMedicare Part D
How the Plans Work
With a number of medical plans available, Leidos employees can choose the medical plan that works best for their personal situation. Employees can choose between plans that offer significant choice in doctors, hospitals, and other providers and those that are more managed because they only cover network services.
For example, when a participant enrolls in a Healthy Focus medical plan, he or she can choose any provider and pay a portion of the cost for covered services (coinsurance).
When a participant enrolls in an HMO, he or she must coordinate all care through a primary care physician in order for services to be covered by the HMO plan.
Pre-existing condition clauses do not apply to any of our medical plans.
For more information about the medical plan options that Leidos offers, participants should read the information in this summary.
A Leidos employee is eligible to enroll in Leidos benefit programs under the following conditions:
- Must be an active, regular full-time employee working at least 30 hours per week or a part-time employee, regularly scheduled to work at least 12 hours per week but less than 30 hours per week; and
- Must live in the geographic area served by a particular plan.
Temporary employees, leased workers, and people classified by Leidos as independent contractors are not eligible to participate in Leidos benefit programs.
Consulting employees (CEs) are eligible to enroll in a Leidos-sponsored medical plan only (excluding the Tricare Supplement) and pay 100% of the plan premium.
Participants may also enroll their eligible dependents in the Leidos medical plans. Eligible dependents include:
- The participant's legal spouse or registered domestic partner (if proof of registration with a state or local domestic partner registry is provided or if a Declaration of Domestic Partnership form is submitted).
- Each child of the participant or registered domestic partner* younger than age 26**, including:
- A natural child or stepchild***;
- An adopted child (coverage begins as of the earlier of the date the child was placed in the participant's home or the date of final adoption); and
- Any other child who depends on the participant for support and lives with the participant in a parent-child relationship, if the participant provides proof of legal guardianship.
- Unmarried children, age 26 and older who are incapable of self-sustaining employment because they are mentally or physically disabled, as long as:
- The mental or physical disability existed while the child was covered under the plan and began before age 26;
- The child is primarily dependent on the participant for support; and
- The participant provides periodic evidence of incapacity.
Participants must update their enrollment in Workday within 31 days of any change in dependent eligibility.
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.If a Participant's Spouse, Registered Domestic Partner or Dependent Is a Leidos Employee
No one can receive "double coverage" under Leidos' benefit programs. Therefore, participants may not cover a spouse, registered domestic partner or dependent child if that spouse, registered domestic partner or child is also a Leidos employee and has elected his or her own coverage.
If a participant and his or her spouse or registered domestic partner are both Leidos employees, each can choose individual coverage or one can cover the other as a dependent — but not both.
If the participant has children, either the participant or spouse can cover the dependent children.
Registered Domestic Partners
The participant may enroll his or her registered domestic partner and the registered domestic partner's eligible dependent children in participating medical plans in which the participant is enrolled.
For purposes of Leidos coverage, a registered domestic partnership is a committed same-sex or opposite-sex relationship, in which registered domestic partners:
- Live together at the same address and have lived together continuously for at least one year;
- Are not legally married to one another or anyone else;
- Do not have another registered domestic partner and have not signed a registered domestic partner declaration with another within the past year;
- Are mentally competent to consent to a contract or affidavit;
- Are not related by blood in such a way as would prohibit legal marriage; and
- Are jointly responsible for each other's common welfare and are financially interdependent.
Proof of registration with a state or local domestic partner registry must be provided. Alternatively, a Declaration of Domestic Partnership form can be completed, notarized and submitted along with required proof of joint ownership in order to enroll a domestic partner. Contact Employee Services for additional information on enrolling a domestic partner.
Registered domestic partner coverage is different from spouse coverage. For instance:
- Participant contributions for registered domestic partner coverage and their eligible children must be paid on an after-tax basis;
- The value of benefits provided to a registered domestic partner and/or his or her eligible children is considered taxable income. As a result, the Leidos employee must pay any state, federal, FICA and other applicable tax withholding in the form of imputed income. This amount is based on the value of the coverage Leidos provides to the partner.
As a government contractor the company is required by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) to demonstrate that our claims for benefit costs are legitimate and ensure that we provide health and welfare benefit coverage only to eligible dependents of our employees. This ongoing verification also assures that the company does not bill the customer for medical costs associated with ineligible dependents.
To support this ongoing effort, the company maintains a Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV) program which is administered by a third-party administrator, Budco. Throughout the year, Budco verifies that any dependent added to our plans is, in fact, eligible for coverage. This includes dependents who are enrolled as a result of new employees joining the company, a qualifying life event (i.e., marriage, birth), as well as new dependents added to our plans during the annual Open Enrollment (OE) period in the fall.
In addition to the ongoing verification process, the company is also required to perform random dependent verifications - even if an employee's dependents were previously verified. This is necessary in order to ensure that a dependent's eligibility remains unchanged.
If an employee receives a request from Budco to verify current dependents, even if the dependent has been verified before, it is critical that the request is not ignored. Failure to provide the requested documentation within the specified timeframe, will result in the dependent(s) being deemed ineligible and removed from our plans.
Covering ineligible dependents is a violation of the company's Code of Conduct and could expose the company to sanctions from the government. The company's eligibility verification process helps ensure that we are compliant with our requirements as a government contractor.
Questions about the DEV process may be directed to Budco at 866-488-2001, or Employee Services at 855-553-4367, option 3.
Coordination of Benefits
If a participant or a participant's dependents are covered under more than one medical plan, all of the medical plans that provide coverage can work together to coordinate benefits. The participant is responsible for filing or submitting any necessary paperwork to the appropriate plans.
Under Leidos' coordination of benefits provisions, the plans will pay benefits up to the level which would have been paid if the Leidos plan had been the primary plan. This coordination of benefits provision applies to all of Leidos' medical plans.
When one of the Leidos medical plans is the primary plan, benefits are paid first without regard to any other plans. The participant is responsible for coordinating any benefits by submitting the Explanation of Benefits and itemized bill to the secondary plan.
See information on additional coordination of benefits, such as third party recovery (subrogation), overpayments, etc.
Determining Which Plan Pays First
Leidos uses the following insurance industry guidelines for determining the primary and secondary payers for employees and dependents.
The plan that covers the participant as an employee is the primary payer. The plan that covers the participant as a dependent is the secondary payer.
For an employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, a plan that covers him or her as an employee is the primary payer for his or her claims. If an employee has elected coverage for his or her spouse or registered domestic partner as a dependent and he or she has coverage through another employer, the Leidos medical plan is the secondary payer.
For an employee's dependent children, the plan of the parent whose birthday occurs first in the calendar year is usually the primary payer. If the plan of an employee's spouse or registered domestic partner plan does not follow this "birthday rule," then the "gender rule" applies. That is, the plan covering the child's father as an employee pays first.
In the case of divorced or separated parents, benefits are determined in the following order:
- The plan of the parent who has financial responsibility for health coverage by court decree;
- Birthday rule applies if both parents are responsible or have joint custody in court order;
- Custodial parent’s plan if there is no court order
When none of these rules establishes order, benefits are paid first by the plan that has covered the person for the longer period of time. An exception is a plan that covers a laid-off or retired employee. That plan is secondary to a plan that covers a person as an active employee.