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Dental Plans

Leidos offers a variety of dental plan options. Depending on where a participant lives, he or she may be able to choose between the following plans depending on home zip code:

For more information on the plans, download the Dental Plan plan document. 


A Leidos employee is eligible to enroll in Leidos benefit programs under the following conditions:

  • Must be an active, regular full-time employee working at least 30 hours per week; or
  • Must be a part-time employee, regularly scheduled to work at least 12 hours per week but less than 30 hours per week; 
  • Must live in the geographic area served by a particular plan.

How the Dental Plans Work

Leidos offers participants a choice when it comes to choosing the type of dental plan that works best for the participant and his or her family.

With a Leidos Dental PPO (Plus Premier) Plan, a participant can use any dentist. However, when a participant uses dentists in the Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier network, the participant will receive a higher level of benefits and pay lower out-of-pocket costs. This is because Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier network providers have agreed to charge lower, negotiated fees for services. When a participant uses dentists outside the network, the participant will receive a lower level of benefits and pay higher total out-of-pocket costs.

Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) works just like a health maintenance organization, or HMO. There is no deductible, and there are no claim forms to file. Participants must choose a network provider, who will coordinate and provide dental care services at a fixed cost. If a participant does not coordinate his or her care through the primary care dentist, the plan will not pay benefits. DMOs are available only in areas where there are participating dentists.

Please carefully review the sections pertaining to what the dental plans will and will not cover to find information on the dental plan exclusions. Additionally, the individual dental plan carriers should be contacted for information on the specific exclusions for dental work in progress.

Dental Plan Exclusions

Contact the dental plan carrier for specific exclusions pertaining to dental work already in progress.

Continuing Dental Coverage After Plan Coverage Ends

A federal law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) enables a participant and his or her covered dependents to continue dental insurance if their coverage ends due to a reduction of work hours or termination of employment (other than for gross misconduct). Federal law also enables a participant's dependents to continue dental insurance if their coverage stops due to the participant's death or entitlement to Medicare; divorce; legal separation; or when the child no longer qualifies as an eligible dependent. The participant must elect coverage according to the rules of the Leidos health care plans. Continuation is subject to federal law, regulations, and interpretations.

For more information about participants' rights under COBRA, the participant should refer to Continuing Health Care Coverage Through COBRA in the Plan Information section.