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Short-Term Disability

Plan Details

If a participant is sick or injured and unable to work, he or she may receive benefits through STD.

  • Disability Sick Leave (DSL)
  • Voluntary Short-Term Disability Insurance (VSDI)
  • Leidos California Voluntary Disability Plan (Leidos CA VDP)
  • Other State-Mandated Short-Term Disability Plans including: 
    • California State Disability Insurance (CA SDI)*,
    • Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave (CT PFML),
    • Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI)
    • District of Columbia Universal Paid Family Leave (DC PFL),
    • Hawaii Temporary Disability Insurance (HI TDI),
    • Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (MA PFML),
    • New Jersey Temporary Disability Insurance (NJ TDI),
    • New York Disability Benefit Law (NY DBL),
    • Oregon Paid Family Leave Insurance,
    • Puerto Rico Temporary Disability Insurance,
    • Rhode Island State Temporary Disability Insurance (RI TDI), and
    • Washington State Paid Family and Medical Leave (WA PFML).

* All Leidos, Inc. employees working in California are automatically covered by the Leidos California Voluntary Disability Plan (Leidos CA VDP). Employee working at Varec are covered by the State of California SDI program. If you are unsure which plan you participate in, contact Employee Services as 855-553-4367, option 3 or email [email protected]

STD benefits may be paid for up to 180 days of continuous disability. The benefit amount is determined by the length of the disability, the participant's elected disability coverage and any state disability and medical leave benefits.

Below are some important terms used in describing how a participant is eligible to receive benefits through the disability plans:

  • Active Pay Status — Employee receives pay for a normal scheduled day of work, including regular pay, comprehensive leave, bereavement, or jury duty benefits. Active pay status does not include employees who are on leave of absence, on whole-week voluntary or involuntary LWOP, or receiving disability benefits (DSL, CA VDP, VSDI, or LTD). An employee must be actively-at-work on the effective date of coverage to be covered under the Leidos STD plan.
  • Claims Administrator — The organization that is accountable for receiving the participant's application, determining which benefits are payable and ensuring that payments are made:
    • For DSL, VSDI and Leidos' CA VDP, Sedgwick administers the plans.
    • For the Hawaii state disability plan, Life Insurance Company of North America (LINA), a New York Life company, administers the plan.
    • For the California SDI, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Washington State state disability and medical leave programs.
  • Hospital Confinement — Any 24 hour period of time, or any part thereof, for which a claimant is properly charged a full day's rate for room and board as a registered bed patient in a hospital, or in a nursing home. Emergency Room visit and Outpatient Surgery are excluded. 
  • Physician — Includes physicians and surgeons holding an M.D. or D.O. degree, physician's assistant (P.A.), nurse practitioners (N.P.'s), psychologists, optometrists, dentists, podiatrists, and chiropractic practitioners licensed by state law and acting within the scope of their practice as defined by state law. For disability related to normal pregnancy or childbirth, medical certification may be provided by a midwife or nurse practitioner.
  • Psychologist — a licensed psychologist with a doctoral degree in psychology, or a doctoral degree deemed equivalent for licensure under applicable state law and acting within the scope of practice as defined by state law.
  • Qualified Disability — A disability that has been certified by a physician or other health care provider, based on objective medical evidence, and subsequently reviewed and approved by the claims administrator. Each plan may have different definitions as to what types of conditions are disabling (for example, some state plans differ from the private insurance plans). Keep in mind that not all disabilities will be approved. In general, under most short-term disability plans, a participant is considered disabled when he or she:
    • Is physically or mentally ill, or is injured and the condition prevents him or her from performing his or her regular work;
    • Is under the regular and continuous care of a physician or other health care provider; and
    • Is not performing work for any other employer, including self-employment.

Regardless of the plan, the participant may be required to provide objective medical evidence to qualify for benefits. The claims administrator will determine the types of medical documentation needed and how frequently the documentation must be updated.

  • Recurring Disability — Recurring Disability shall mean two or more intervals of disability, due to the same cause or condition, separated by less than 31 days of continuous active work with the Company and shall be considered the same Disability. A new waiting period will not be required. The period of time worked between disabilities will not count against the maximum benefit leave duration. For purposes of calculating the claimant's amount of benefits under the Plan, regular wages as of the date of the original onset of disability shall be used.
  • Regular Wages
    • With respect to Regular, Full-time Employees, regular wages shall mean the scheduled base salary amount of compensation prior to any voluntary salary reduction, excluding overtime, Health & Welfare benefit payments,  shift differential pay, bonuses, commissions, stock transactions, expense reimbursements and moving expenses in effect during the last completed payroll period immediately prior to the date of commencement of the employee's disability.
    • With respect to all Part-time Employees, regular wages shall mean the average weekly compensation paid by the Company excluding overtime, Health & Welfare benefit payments, shift differential pay, bonuses, commissions, and stock transactions during the previously completed twelve (12) week period immediately prior to the date of commencement of the employee's disability.
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This document provides only a summary of general plan provisions. Separate documents are available from the plan administrators, which serve as the legal documents that govern these plans.

Leidos' STD Program is made up of four components:

  • Disability Sick Leave (DSL) hours, which are provided by Leidos at no cost to eligible employees;
  • Voluntary Short-Term Disability Insurance (VSDI), which is elected and paid for by the participant;
  • Leidos California Voluntary Disability Plan (Leidos CA VDI), which is paid for by the participant; and
  • Other state-mandated disability or paid medical leave programs in California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Washington State. This is paid by either the employee, employer or a combination of employee and employer.

If a participant becomes disabled, these STD benefits are designed to work together to replace a percentage of a participant's regular wages prior to the disability. After a participant is certified as having a qualified disability, STD benefits are generally payable for up to 180 days, based on the length of disability and the program components available.

Under some circumstances, separate absences might be defined as the same disability if there were two consecutive periods of qualified disability due to the same or a related cause or condition that are separated by 31 consecutive days or less.

The STD Program components are outlined below:

DSL Those in benefit-eligible fringe packages Leidos On the 8th calendar day, except when hospitalized For a maximum of 180 days or upon exhaustion of benefits in accordance with plan limits
VSDI Only those who enroll The participant On the 8th calendar day, except when hospitalized Until the end of the qualified disability, to a maximum of 180 days
Leidos CAVDP Leidos, Inc. employees in California who are eligible and automatically enrolled in this plan The participant On the 8th calendar day of disability Until the end of the 52nd week of a qualified disability; or after the participant has exhausted his or her 52-week benefit amount, if part-time
Other State Laws Employees in California (including ex-patriates) who are not eligible for the Leidos CA VDP; all employees in Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Washington State Varies by state; usually both the participant and the employer Varies by state Varies by state

Compassionate Care Program

Sedgwick's Compassionate Care Program offers a more in depth one-to-one supportive assistance to employees on disability due to a catastrophic illness or progressive disorder (currently available for cancer, stroke and ALS).

  • While the claims examiner will continue to handle benefit calculations, a dedicated clinician will take over the case to provide high touch support:
    • Help employees understand their diagnosis and treatment plan
    • Reduce stress and anxiety related to the disability claims process and connect employees with behavioral health clinicians or social workers, as appropriate
    • Help employees explore with their doctors a workable schedule around treatment and expectations for return to work
    • Share available resources that may assist employee needs