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2024 Plan Year

The benefits program supports you in making smart decisions about your health and finances. We want to make sure that you understand the 2024 program so this page will highlight the benefits available for the upcoming Plan Year.

Your Benefits Decision Support Tool, ALEX

ALEX is a virtual benefits counselor that explains your benefit options and helps you choose the plan that’s best for you and your family. ALEX prompts you for some basic information about your personal situation, asks a few questions about how you anticipate using your healthcare (your answers remain anonymous, of course), and helps you figure out what to choose based on your responses.

Before you make your benefit elections in Workday, be sure to spend a few minutes with ALEX at to make sure you’re enrolling in a plan that’s right for you and your family.

NEW ALEX Medicare is a guided journey that helps you and your loved ones
navigate and understand their Medicare options. ALEX Medicare is fully equipped with a video, text, and visual content library where you can "pick your path" on the content you want to learn about. Let ALEX walk you through all the ins and outs of Medicare, including what you are eligible for, how much it will cost, and how to enroll. Talk to ALEX Medicare at