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Basic AD&D Insurance

Basic AD&D insurance provides additional benefits to employees if they were to die or suffer dismemberment in an accident while employed by Leidos in an eligible fringe package.

How Basic AD&D Insurance Works

Eligible employees automatically receive coverage equal to one times their annual compensation, rounded to the next higher $1,000. This is known as the "principal sum." The maximum Basic AD&D Insurance benefit is $250,000.

Leidos pays the full cost of Basic AD&D Insurance. Additional information can be found in the Evidence of Coverage.

important information

"Annual compensation" means an employee's annual wage or salary as reported by his or her employer for the work performed as of the date of loss. It does not include earnings received as bonuses, overtime pay or other extra compensation. Annual Compensation includes: A change in the amount of Annual Compensation is effective on the date of the change, if the Employer gives the Insurance Company written notice of the change and the required premium is paid. Commissions will be averaged for the 12 months just prior to the date the covered loss occurs, or the months employed, if less than 12 months.


In the event of an employee's death, benefits will be paid to the employee's beneficiary. If an employee accidentally suffers dismemberment, the benefits will be paid directly to the employee. The chart below shows the benefit payments under the Basic AD&D Insurance plan:

  • Life
  • Two or more members (hands or feet)
  • One hand or one foot and sight in one eye
  • Both upper and lower limbs (quadriplegia)**
  • Speech and hearing in both ears
100% of the principal sum
  • Loss of one hand or one foot, uniplegia (paralysis of one limb)
  • Both lower limbs (paraplegia)**
  • Upper and lower limbs on one side of the body (hemiplegia)**
  • Speech
  • Hearing in both ears
50% of the principal sum
  • Thumb and index fingers of the same hand
  • All four fingers of the same hand
  • All toes of the same foot
25% of the principal sum

* An employee's loss must occur within 365 days of the date of the accident. "Member" means hand, foot or eye. "Loss of a hand or foot" means complete severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint. "Loss of sight" means total, permanent and irrevocable loss by natural, surgical or artificial means. "Loss of speech" means total, permanent and irrevocable loss of audible communication. "Loss of hearing" means total and permanent loss of hearing in both ears which cannot be corrected by any means. "Loss of a thumb and index finger" means complete severance through or above the metacarpophalangeal joints (the joints between the fingers and the hand).

** These injuries - or paralyses - mean the loss of use, without severance, of a limb. Such a loss must be determined by a doctor to be complete and not reversible.

If more than one loss is sustained by an Insured Person as a result of the same accident, only one the largest amount will be paid. 

Other Information